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So far etikouest has created 64 blog entries.

Opening and closing labels: fight against food waste

Functional packaging with reclosure: fight against food waste In France, 10 million tons of food product are wasted per year. This waste is present at every steps of the food chain: production, [...]

Opening and closing labels: fight against food waste2023-06-14T08:51:04+01:00

Seed bags with easy opening and closing labels

Seed conservation: a reusable bag with an opening and closing label! No more standard seed packaging! Discover our reclosable opening labels for bags, which allow you to keep your flower or vegetable [...]

Seed bags with easy opening and closing labels2023-06-02T14:01:47+01:00

Easy closing for frozen products packaging

Easy closing for frozen products packaging Frozen foods become a part of our daily lives because they are convenient, economical and retain the flavour of fresh products. Today, 96% of French households [...]

Easy closing for frozen products packaging2022-06-21T13:41:37+01:00

100% recyclable paper packaging

100% recyclable paper packaging: easy opening and closing labels. Stop plastic packaging! Opt for a more ecological packaging, made of paper and stand out from the competition with an opening and closing [...]

100% recyclable paper packaging2022-06-22T09:01:19+01:00

Reclosable packaging for picnic

Easy opening labels: to eat anywhere but not in any way! Springtime, let us get back to enjoying gourmet pleasures outdoor. Whether it is for salads, finger food, snacking… Discover our easy [...]

Reclosable packaging for picnic2022-06-22T10:49:03+01:00

Packaging for household products: opt for functional packaging

Household products: functional labels for packaging Wish you to stand out from the competition and attract new consumers? Opt for functional and innovative packaging. Differentiate yourself while offering convenience to your packaging [...]

Packaging for household products: opt for functional packaging2022-06-21T14:09:59+01:00

Reclosable packaging labels: life cycle and recycling

Labels for reclosable packaging: life cycle and recycling Practical for everyday use and totally customisable, discover the life cycle of our easy open and close labels, adapted to your packaging! Your [...]

Reclosable packaging labels: life cycle and recycling2022-06-22T10:44:25+01:00

Label for reclosable packaging

Label for reclosable packaging: all you need to know about the wipe label The use of wipes is part of everyday life. Whether it is to wash baby's face, remove mummy's make-up, [...]

Label for reclosable packaging2022-06-22T10:55:47+01:00
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